Friday, May 22, 2009

Check me out!!!

Sorry I'm not great with blogging..but i've been diligently working on crystal animals...=) That's why i've had like...NOOOO time.

I've made a separate blog for my crystal business.

I'm getting some stuff together for my very first keep on the watch out...=) do you girls take pictures of your eyes when you do a photo of the day? my gosh...I had the hardest time making the colors come out on the picture...and it was just an epic.....FAIL...


  1. Hehe well I'll def. get a penguin. I'd like a cell phone charm prz :D Btw do you have any little bells that you add to it? I like jingly charms (;

  2. Oh and as for your question... it depends on the lighting (I have a hard time with that too) I've heard people say flourescent lighting is the best but I'm not sure. There's always color-correcting options in PS or PSP, which is what I do (;

  3. No problem (: Oh and I was wondering if you do them in different colors? Sorry if I'm asking to many questions lol >_<

  4. Thanks hehe (: Ooo I see. Well I'll be waiting for your complete inventory (;

  5. fail in what way? lots of ways to fail at taking close up pics of eyes xD hahhaa.

  6. RYC: haha, omg when I was reading your comment and you got the the part about the ducks crossing the street in front of the cars, I was thinking "OMG, no!" but then you said that people stop. & I was relieve to read that. lol
